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Allentown PA Lehigh Valley PA Billboards

Allentown PA Lehigh Valley PA Billboards



t: view phone 877-860-2446

Billboard Connection is your one stop OOH (out-of-home) advertising solution. We are an advertising agency that specializes in outdoor advertising. Don’t waste money on poor outdoor advertising: utilize our professional services to get you noticed! Billboard Connection will objectively select the best solution to reach your audience. Our award-winning artists will get you noticed.

Out-Of-Home is the most affordable and cost effective media compared to TV, Print and Radio: at pennies per impression. That means you can reach more people for less money using OOH.

Allentown PA is located in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. As the third most populous city in PA it is the fastest growing city in Pennsylvania. It is the largest city in the metropolitan area known as the Lehigh Valley and constitutes a portion of the New York City Metropolitan Area. Any advertiser would love to grab this market.

Don’t miss out on the most economical method of advertising. Out of home advertising has the best cost per impression. But don’t believe us: ask our clients!
